The police were reporting to calls of a suicidal man and
found Babelay, a 54-year-old male who had a history of mental illness, standing
outside. The situation escalated quickly as Babelay got a shotgun from a shed
nearby, all officers fired at the suspect. Jim Harrington, executive director of the Texas Civil Rights Project (TCRP), reported that “no techniques were
used to de-escalate the confrontation.” There has been other instances
in recent years with humans with mental disabilities ending in tragedy. Reginald Demps, a 47-year-old male who had
a history of schizophrenia, was complaining of hearing voices. His
brother drove him to Austin State Hospital where he was turned away because a
lack of beds. The following night Demps called the police reporting suicidal
thoughts. He was taken to be evaluated the hospital saw no major signs of
threat and was released. Shortly after being released Demps hung himself in the
stairwell at a hotel in North Central Austin.
This “Mental Meltdown” started when John F.
Kennedy pushed for the deinstitutionalized the system for the treatment of the
mentally ill. Unfortunately this new process had negatives effects on how we
care for the population suffering from these mental diseases. Not place in
Texas is failing in the treatment for these people, but Austin is definitely
not leading the way. There is not a psychiatric center in Austin dedicated to assessing
people in need of medical assistance. There are 63 beds for these types of patients
in Travis County and 23 beds located at private facilities, where Tarrant
County has over 270 beds. A majority of people are not provided the proper
care, including medicine and follow up care. Deinstitutionalizing mental health
care took away funding for the organizations providing service for these people,
and as the funds dwindled so did the necessary care. When the funding of the
mental care declined, there was an increase in funding for the criminal justice
system. Now years later we have found ourselves in a pressing situation where police find it
easier to take a person to jail, instead of getting people the help they need.
Steps have been
taken to improve the flawed conditions in the mental health care system; Police
officers have to go through training on dealing with the mentally disabled.
However this does not make up for the lack of resources set aside for this
issue. "A mentally healthy community treats all
individuals with dignity and respect." We need to help every
person as if they were our family or friends, these people out suffering and
somebody needs to step up; the state and/ or local government, along with the people
within the community. If we let this problem continue it will only get worse
for all of us.
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